Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Missy & The New(t)est Gift
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Pasta & Italian Sausage w/ Spinach, Onion, Garlic Sauce
It's pasta and Italian sausage with a sauce/not sauce of EVOO, spinach, garlic & onion. **I say sauce/not sauce because it's not something you want to ladle on... just enough to toss and coat the pasta.**
I cooked some Italian sausage earlier, and had it resting. I also had the pasta boiling.
Then I put some olive oil down in a small saute pan (this time I used Red Pepper flavored EVOO), added diced onions, frozen chopped spinach, fresh chopped garlic, and a couple of shakes of rosemary, basil, crushed red pepper flakes, garlic salt and pepper. When it was ready, I took half the saute mixture and put it in my Magic Bullet with a splash or two of fresh olive oil and puréed it. Added that back into the pan. I wanted to maintain some chunkiness to the sauce with the the onions and spinach.
I sliced one of the sausages in half lengthwise and cut it up into bite-sized pieces. Put that back into the pan I had cooked it in, added a few spoons of the sauce, then threw in a couple spoons of pasta. Mixed thoroughly, plated, and added a couple shakes of shredded parmesan cheese. Waa-laa! Dinner is served.
Friday, April 16, 2010
"LOST" - Everybody Loves Hugo
Apr. 13 Episode: Everybody Loves Hugo
At Libby's gravesite, Hurley is wearing a brown t-shirt... swoosh to the flash-sideways, he's still wearing brown, but now it's a casual dress shirt. Just thought it was interesting...
Back to the island and in the middle of a disagreement with Ilana... BOOM!.. she blows up. Poor Hurley... second time he's been traumatized by someone blowing up while they're off on a tangent. And what the heck do you think is in that bag he picked up out of Ilana's stuff?
Then there's Desmond! This calm, collected Desmond is a little unsettling, albeit in an interesting 'I wanna know what he knows' way. In previous episodes, Desmond always reminded me of one of those small yappy dogs that shake all the time. Always chaotic and "I don't know what's going on, I'm just trying to get through it and survive'. Now it's like he's driven with some sort of specific purpose and I want to know what he's thinking! What's his game plan? He went with Sayid... and now John, way too easily.
When Hurley blew up the "Black Rock"... whoa, dude! Miles: "Warning might have been nice there, Hugo." Hurley's response... "I did say run." LMAO!! Note: Hugo says, "Dead people are more reliable than live people." Tell that to John Locke! The dead people that were talking to him were manipulating liars.
The appearance of the "wild-child"... this time a dark-haired boy carrying a staff... wearing the same outfit the blonde boy was wearing. The way he smiled at Desmond...? Like he was pleased... about what? That Desmond was here and things were going according to plan, or maybe just pleased that John was so irritated with his presence? John was none to pleased to see this kid, it really seemed to irk him; unlike the blond boy, whom didn't smile, but turned and ran with John right behind him.
Random thinking... 2 boys, one blond, one dark. ???
Jacob - MIB
Jack - Sawyer
Aaron - Charlie Hume
My mind keeps wanting to go back to Aaron and what his significance was. Early on it was stressed that it was important that only Claire raise him...
Lost - s01e10 - Raised By Another: In her "dream" John said, "he (the baby) was your responsibility, but you gave him away, Claire. Everyone pays the price now." He looked up and one eye was a black stone, the other a white stone.
What's up with that?? What happened to all that? What about Aaron and his role in all this?
I've been reading and listening to other people's (blogs/podcasts) and some seem to question what Alpert asked Hugo to ask Jacob about the island. What is the island? They're like... oooo, what does that mean? Uh, the island is the cork! Remember the metaphor Jacob gave Richard in Ab Aeterno. Richard was testing Hurley... he didn't believe Jacob was there talking to Hurley... so, prove it, Hurley; what did Jacob say the island is?
I gasped when MIB/NotLocke pushed Desmond down the well... I wasn't surprised that he'd do something like that, just didn't expect it.
Notice that Desmond said he had a son, Charlie. Charlie doesn't exist in this time 'whatever'. Then when Desmond ran John Locke down... hoo-wee! Did not expect that. Thought he wanted to talk with Locke. My mind is spinning over this one.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Eclair Cake
1 Lb. (box) Graham Crackers
2 - 4 Oz. (instant) French Vanilla Pudding
3½ C. Milk
9 Oz. Cool Whip
Butter bottom of 9"x13"x2" baking pan. Line pan bottom with graham crackers. Mix pudding and milk until thickened, fold cool whip into mixture. Pour 1/2 of mixture over cracker layer, smooth, then add second layer of graham crackers, then pour remaining pudding and smooth, cover with third layer of crackers. Refrigerate for 2 hours. Frost.
6 Tbsp. Powdered Cocoa
2 Tsp. Light Karo Syrup
2 Tbsp. Soft Margarine
3 Tbsp. Milk
2 Tbsp. Oil
2 Tsp. Vanilla
1½ C. Powdered Sugar
Mix well, spread over top layer of graham crackers. Refrigerate finished product for 24 hours.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
"LOST" - Rose & Bernard
Note: I have brought this up, a few times... What happened to Rose & Bernard when the bomb went off? Did they get left back in 1977?? And that I think the cave "Adam & Eve" is Rose & Bernard.
Well check this out! I came across this and thought WOW!!
When Sawyer, Kate, and Alex were rescuing Karl from the brainwashing room there was some speech you couldn't make out through the noise. I came across a video of that being played backwards and the voice says:
"Only fools are enslaved by time and space."
Someone states in a comment that it is an anagram for, "Bones of Nadlers may lay lost deep in cave."
Rose & Bernard's last name is Nadler.
Here is the link to the brainwashing room video:
Saturday, April 10, 2010
"LOST" - Happily Ever After & My Ramblings
Apr. 6 Episode: Happily Ever After
OH MY... OH MY GOSH!!! My mind is racing over so much information.
Someone's blog had mentioned that the island time and the flash-sideways were bleeding more and more into each other every episode. I wasn't really buying it... until last week when Sun looked into the mirror. I mentioned it in my last "LOST" post, her look was just... odd.
I was not surprised when Desmond walked into Charles Widmore's office as his right-hand man... kind of got the feeling when he was in the limo. Exactly what I would expect from "LOST".
The MacCutcheon scotch keeps showing up... when Desmond meets with Widmore in his office in the flash-sideways.
In Season 3, Episode 8: Flashes Before Your Eyes...
...on the island when Hurley and Charlie got Desmond drunk to find out his secret.
Also at the bar after breaking up with Penny.
Oh, and check out the art piece on the wall in Widmore's office... it's like a child's rendition of the Dharma barracks... a cabin, the fence, the jungle surrounding, the monster behind the fence, namaste written backwards across the top almost like we're see the backside of the painting, and a man hanging down from the top.
There's other paintings of similar style... would like to see a close-up of those.
The event hardly seems forgetful.
I wonder, did Desmond and Penny name their son Charlie after Charlie Pace or Penny's father, Charles? I choose to believe it was after Desmond's friend, Charlie Pace, who, in a sense, brought them back together.
Back to this episode... when Desmond and Charlie crashed into the water and Charlie put his hand up...
Whoa! It's all coming to a head... the original timeline and this flash-sideways 'timeline' ARE bleeding into each other! Then when he started having flashes of Penny and his son... I got goose bumps and teared up a little. For me, Desmond and Penny's love seemed so strong... I knew she'd find him someday, and when she finally did in s04e13 - There's No Place Like Home (P2)... oh my, that was one of my favorite scenes. When he realized it was her... and then she realized she had finally found him. The "is this really real" moment. To the reunion kiss.
Right up there with the s04e05 - The Constant... when Desmond was on the boat and made the call to Penny.
Now check out Widmore's office in the flash-sideways...
Basically the same picture... one framed in white, the other in black. Mmmm-hmm!
So... Eloise Hawking is now Mrs. Widmore... and Daniel Faraday is now Daniel Widmore... and Penny Widmore is now Penny Milton. Eloise tells Desmond, "Someone has clearly affected the way you see things. This is a serious problem. It is, in fact, a violation." A violation?? Of what?
Something bothers me about this conversation... Something about Eloise has been constant throughout the entire show... no matter what timeline (past, present, or future?) with the exception of the beginning when she was on the island as a young woman (in 1954 when she was Ellie)... she seems to be the only person that knows or seems to have a complete knowledge of what IS going on/what IS to happen. That brings me to Daniel's journal? Does she have it and has had it since she shot him in 1977?
She knew the path leading Desmond to the island, she knew that Daniel was meant to be or needed to be a scientist instead of a musician, that all the women in his life would be terribly hurt, she sent him to the island knowing that she will eventually shoot and kill him, she gave him that journal at his graduation with the message inside, "No matter what, remember, I will always love you. Mother". In s05e14 - The Variable, when Eloise met Penny in the hospital after Desmond was shot, Eloise told her, "For the first time, in a long time, I don't know what's going to happen next."
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Black conservatives ripped for supporting Tea Party movement
Black conservatives ripped for supporting Tea Party movement
Associated Press - 4/7/2010 6:15:00 AM
ALBANY, NY - They've been called Oreos, traitors and Uncle Toms, and are used to having to defend their values. Now black conservatives are really taking heat for their involvement in the mostly white Tea Party movement -- and for having the audacity to oppose the policies of the nation's first black president.
"I've been told I hate myself. I've been called an Uncle Tom. I've been told I'm a spook at the door," said Timothy F. Johnson, chairman of the Frederick Douglass Foundation, a group of black conservatives who support free market principles and limited government.
"Black Republicans find themselves always having to prove who they are. Because the assumption is the Republican Party is for whites and the Democratic Party is for blacks," he said.
Johnson and other black conservatives say they were drawn to the Tea Party movement because of what they consider its commonsense fiscal values of controlled spending, less taxes and smaller government. The fact that they're black — or that most tea partyers are white — should have nothing to do with it, they say.
"You have to be honest and true to yourself. What am I supposed to do, vote Democratic just to be popular? Just to fit in?" asked Clifton Bazar, a 45-year-old New Jersey freelance photographer and conservative blogger.
Opponents have branded the Tea Party as a group of racists hiding behind economic concerns — and reports, as yet unproven, that some tea partyers were lobbing racist slurs at black congressmen during last month's heated healthcare vote give them ammunition.
But these black conservatives don't consider racism representative of the movement as a whole — or race a reason to support it.
Angela McGlowan, a black congressional candidate from Mississippi, said her Tea Party involvement is "not about a black or white issue."
"It's not even about Republican or Democrat. from my standpoint," she told The Associated Press. "All of us are taxed too much."
Still, she's in the minority. As a nascent grassroots movement with no registration or formal structure, there are no racial demographics available for the Tea Party movement; it's believed to include only a small number of blacks and Hispanics.
Some black conservatives credit President Barack Obama's election — and their distaste for his policies — with inspiring them and motivating dozens of black Republicans to plan political runs in November.
For black candidates like McGlowan, Tea Party events are a way to reach out to voters of all races with her conservative message. "I'm so proud to be a part of this movement! I want to tell you that a lot of people underestimate you guys," the former national political commentator for Fox News told the cheering crowd at a Tea Party rally in Nashville, Tenn., in February.
Tea Party voters represent a new model for these black conservatives — away from the black, liberal Democratic base located primarily in cities, and toward a black and white conservative base that extends into the suburbs.
Black voters have overwhelmingly backed Democratic candidates, support that has only grown in recent years. In 2004, presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry won 88 percent of the black vote; four years later, 95 percent of black voters cast ballots for Obama.
Black conservatives don't want to have to apologize for their divergent views. "I've gotten the statement, 'How can you not support the brother?'" said David Webb, an organizer of New York City's Tea Party 365, Inc. movement and a conservative radio personality.
Since Obama's election, Webb said some black conservatives have even resorted to hiding their political views. "I know of people who would play the (liberal) role publicly, but have their private opinions," he said. "They don't agree with the policy but they have to work, live and exist in the community ... Why can't we speak openly and honestly if we disagree?"
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Racism and ObamaCare
Racism and ObamaCare
Star Parker - Syndicated Columnist - 4/5/2010 9:25:00 AM
"LOST" - Another Look At Past Episodes
After watching some past episodes, a few things jumped out at me that didn't really stand out so much at the time... but after last week's episode, they strike a whole new chord.
Season 3, Episode 8: Flashes Before Your Eyes
After Desmond blows the hatch and temporarily goes back in time...
Charles Widmore says to Desmond, when he asks for Penny's hand, "You will never be a great man."
Eloise Hawking was in the store showing Desmond the ring, but she wouldn't let him buy it. According to her, he wasn't supposed to, Desmond David Hume. Then she proceeded to tell him his life story leading to the island. She tells him, "Pushing that button is the only truly great thing you'll ever do."
Season 3, Episode 9: Stranger In A Strange Land
In Jack's flashback there's this Asian chick, and her gift is to see who people are and mark them. She tells Jack, "You are a leader, a great man."
Isabelle (an Other) tells him his mark (tattoos) read: He walks amongst us, but he is not one of us. Jack tells Isabelle, "That's what they say, it's not what they mean."
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Easter BBQ
Monday, April 5, 2010
Mom's Visit
Mom came for a visit today... I believe this is the first visit when she has come without a reason, a "just stopping by" visit... we had a nice lengthy visit.
Yesterday I spent the day mowing and weed-eating the yard. It was soooo HOT! I drank a whole pitcher of ice tea and a bottle of gatorade... without having to stop for a bathroom break... I sweated it all out. I was so tired by the end of the day, I barely had enough energy to take my clothes off and get into the shower. And, oh man... I was feeling it today! I was gimpin' around all day. It hurt to get up, it hurt to walk, and it hurt to sit down. *LOL*
Saturday night Missy was on the deck chasing bugs... which she would bring in. She brought a june bug in and then her and Simon chased it around the kitchen floor like an air hockey puck.
Posted by Michelle at 4/05/2010 11:53:00 PM 0 comments
Labels: Critters, Entertainment, Family/Friends, My Cats, Pics
Saturday, April 3, 2010
"LOST" - The Package
Behind the "magical mystery" door on the sub was Desmond... whew! Good to see #108 wasn't Charles Widmore!
So, in the Alternate Timeline, Jin and Sun are not married... but, by the end of the show we find out she is pregnant. Very interesting.
When MIB/NotLocke approached Sun at the garden and reached out his hand to her, instead of accepting it and letting MIB/NotLocke take her to Jin, Sun ran. **Lesson learned: This is why we watch where we are running!** So, Sun is either:
- a candidate and that's why MIB/NotLocke couldn't hurt or take her, he needed her to come willingly.
- he just didn't want to scare her because he needs her to keep Jin in his camp.
Why didn't MIB/NotLocke pick her up and take her to Jin?
- She's a candidate?
- He can't touch her?