Thursday, July 29, 2010

New Job Update - One Week Yesterday

It was a week ago yesterday since I started my new job. So far it's just been mostly training... got to go solo today. As for going solo, one good thing right now is that if we question anything, we can flag it for our tainer to check it before we approve it. Whew... takes a little pressure off.

By "we" and "our" I mean Renee and I. We started together. She was in that group presentation/interview thing I had with the five other people... we both got hired, yeeeaaa! Our offices are right next door to each other... unfortunately she got the one right across the hall from the main door, so she gets that annoyance all day. It's kind of loud with the security beep, the clunk of the unlock and the bang of the door shutting. Plus her doorway is straight across from the door, so everyone walks through looking at her sitting at her desk... no privacy unless she kept her door shut.

My office is about three steps down from hers and I've been able to tune out the noise... I just jam to my music while doing my work. We're on the sixth floor... just wish I had a window. And I haven't figured it out yet or bothered to ask, but several times a day I feel the floor rumbling and vibrating. This is an office building... with like... concrete floors or something. So I got no idea whats going on down on the fifth floor??

It's quite a building... shnazzy building. Very artzy with shiny metal and glass. I had trouble just trying to work the elevator. The button looks like a bolt cover... very deceiving. The entryway is like a small plaza and our parking garage is on the other side of it. So it's like parking in the garage and walking across the patio to the front door. My last job, we were in a small three bedroom starter home with everyone trying to fit their cars in the drive. Most times I would park in the yard. God forbid if we had customers... they had to park wherever they could get their car.

What I love most about this job... I don't have to answer phones while trying to get all my work done. That is draining when you're trying to fill multiple positions, you know, the "wearing many hats" type of jobs or concentrating on something in particular that needs your full attention. You get burnt out and frustrated with the constant interruptions. This position is relatively stress free compared to my past jobs. It might be nice to be a little more laid back for awhile. It also gives me training in a new area to add to my resume. Broadens my future job prospects... you gotta like that!

Friday, July 23, 2010

Green: Obama is a victim of Bush's failed promises

Received this "article" through email.  I went online to verify the article... wanted to make sure the article was for real and the email accurate.

Here's an opinion piece by Chuck Green who writes "Greener Pastures" for the Denver Post Aurora of the more liberal papers in the country. Additionally, Mr. Green is a life long this is rather a stunning piece...

Green: Obama is a victim of Bush's failed promises
By CHUCK GREEN, Columnist [Aurora Sentinel]
Published: Sunday, February 7, 2010 11:14 AM MST

Barack Obama is setting a record-setting number of records during his first year in office.

Largest budget ever. Largest deficit ever. Largest number of broken promises ever. Most self-serving speeches ever. Largest number of agenda-setting failures ever. Fastest dive in popularity ever.

Wow. Talk about change.

Just one year ago, fresh from his inauguration celebrations, President Obama was flying high. After one of the nation’s most inspiring political campaigns, the election of America’s first black president had captured the hopes and dreams of millions. To his devout followers, it was inconceivable that a year later his administration would be gripped in self-imposed crisis.

Of course, they don’t see it as self imposed. It’s all George Bush’s fault.

George Bush, who doesn’t have a vote in Congress and who no longer occupies the White House, is to blame for it all.

He broke Obama’s promise to put all bills on the White House web site for five days before signing them.

He broke Obama’s promise to have the congressional health care negotiations broadcast live on C-SPAN.

He broke Obama’s promise to end earmarks.

He broke Obama’s promise to keep unemployment from rising above 8 percent.

He broke Obama’s promise to close the detention center at Guantanamo in the first year.

He broke Obama’s promise to make peace with direct, no pre-condition talks with America’s most hate-filled enemies during his first year in office, ushering in a new era of global cooperation.

He broke Obama’s promise to end the hiring of former lobbyists into high White House jobs.

He broke Obama’s promise to end no-compete contracts with the government.

He broke Obama’s promise to disclose the names of all attendees at closed White House meetings.

He broke Obama’s promise for a new era of bipartisan cooperation in all matters.

He broke Obama’s promise to have chosen a home church to attend Sunday services with his family by Easter of last year.

Yes, it’s all George Bush’s fault. President Obama is nothing more than a puppet in the never-ending, failed Bush administration.

If only George Bush wasn’t still in charge, all of President Obama’s problems would be solved. His promises would have been kept, the economy would be back on track, Iran would have stopped its work on developing a nuclear bomb and would be negotiating a peace treaty with Israel, North Korea would have ended its tyrannical regime, and integrity would have been restored to the federal government.

Oh, and did I mention what it would be like if the Democrats, under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, didn’t have the heavy yoke of George Bush around their necks. There would be no earmarks, no closed-door drafting of bills, no increase in deficit spending, no special-interest influence (unions), no vote buying (Nebraska, Louisiana).

If only George Bush wasn’t still in charge, we’d have real change by now.

All the broken promises, all the failed legislation and delay (health care reform, immigration reform) is not President Obama’s fault or the fault of the Democrat-controlled Congress. It’s all George Bush’s fault.

Take for example the decision of Eric Holder, the president’s attorney general, to hold terrorists’ trials in New York City. Or his decision to try the Christmas Day underpants bomber as a civilian.

Two disastrous decisions.

Certainly those were bad judgments based on poor advice from George Bush.

Need more proof?

You might recall that when Scott Brown won last month’s election to the U.S. Senate from Massachusetts, capturing “the Ted Kennedy seat,” President Obama said that Brown’s victory was the result of the same voter anger that propelled Obama into office in 2008. People were still angry about George Bush and the policies of the past 10 years, and they wanted change.

Yes, according to the president, the voter rebellion in Massachusetts last month was George Bush’s fault.

Therefore, in retaliation, they elected a Republican to the Ted Kennedy seat, ending a half-century of domination by Democrats.

It is all George Bush’s fault.

Will the failed administration of George Bush ever end, and the time for hope and change ever arrive?

Will President Obama ever accept responsibility for something — anything?

Chuck Green, veteran Colorado journalist and former editor-in-chief of The Denver Post, syndicates a statewide column and is at

Monday, July 19, 2010

Big News... New Job... Starts Wednesday!

Since I haven't posted in awhile... let me catch you up.  I didn't get that job I blogged about earlier... the 500 resumes, phone interview, application packet, video interview.  I was disappointed.  Anyways...

I had an interview last Monday... actually a presentation with five of us interviewees, then one-on-one interviews.  There were three men and two women.  The company is looking to hire a couple of individuals.  We were referred by a temp/staffing agency.  I called the agency Friday, but no decision had been made.

This morning I got the call... Can you start Wednesday?  Less than I was previously making, but a little more than the "I hope to make at least" figure.  And it's not way downtown Raleigh... it's in Northern Raleigh... which makes for an easier commute from how far out I am.  Just take Capital down to 540, short run to Six Forks exit, then a hop, skip, and a jump down the road.

I must admit... I immediately had a small anxiety attack.  It's been 18 months since I got laid off.  It took 15 months to get even one interview.  That does a number on you psychologically.  I feel really out of the loop professionally. Plus, it's a MUCH bigger company in a bigger city than I'm used to.  I'm not sure if I have the right wardrobe... the small companies and type of companies I've worked for had very casual dress requirements (casual/jeans/sweats/shorts).  This place is business casual... I have no idea what I'm gonna wear!

My sister Laura, my friend Danette, and I went to the "Red Lemon" (DQ) to celebrate.  Danette bought me a cone... thank you Danette.