Sunday, February 12, 2012
Chemo: Cycle 4... or 2-2?
On the day of my chemo, Jan. 24th, I was having pain behind my left ear, the left side of my head, and little in my left shoulder… I was afraid I may have a blood clot. The P.A. and I decided to just wait and watch since none of it made any real sense. It wasn’t like I had a cold or sinus infection, just another weird situation. The pain moved to the right side a few days later and then disappeared.
Chemo went well… no incident.
Friday, Jan. 27th, I woke up that afternoon coughing and pain in my right lung area. By evening I was running a temperature. At 8:45 pm my temp was 101.1°, I called the on-call doctor. She put me on antibiotics, said it might be pneumonia. I didn’t think it was because the cough was not a cold kind of cough and I hadn’t been sick. You don’t wake up with pneumonia, you build up to it. But this diagnosis was with limited info and over the phone. Anyways… by 11:30 pm my temp was 101.5°… at 1:00 am it was 101.6°.
Saturday I started taking Percocet w/Acetaminophen for the pain and trying to get temp down. I was also packing my head in ice. The pain was in my right lung/chest area and extending up to my shoulder and neck area. I was in so much pain I couldn’t sleep.
By the weekend of Feb. 4th, the pain wasn’t as bad and I had this poking feeling in my throat/esophagus area and a coarseness that was causing the cough. It took me awhile but finally realized it was a yeast infection in my throat… also developed a vaginal yeast infection… all from the horrible antibiotics. So I started taking the Fluconazole (Diflucan) I had left over from December antibiotic yeast outbreak and Monistat 3 (went thru 2 boxes of it). Still couldn’t rid my body of all the yeast. On Friday, Feb. 10th, I called my doctor and got another prescription of Fluconazole, this one was 150 mg tablets instead of the 100 mg. I took one Friday night and meant to take another one on Saturday, but forgot to… regardless, the one was enough to finish eliminating the yeast. THANK GOD!!!!
So now I’m yeast free, cough free, and pain free… except for the uterine pain I’m having again when I have to urinate. What the hell!??? I can't get a break!
Posted by Michelle at 2/12/2012 07:57:00 PM 1 comments
Labels: Health, Lymphoma/Cancer, Me Stuff, Pics
My Oncologist, Dr. Lola Olajide: Rex on Call - Breast Cancer
Here is my oncologist... Dr. Lola Olajide, Rex Hematology Oncology Associates (Rex Cancer Center).
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Apple's Shame
I don't buy into Apple... I don't do iPods, iPhones, iPads, Mac, or iTunes. I don't use them, I don't buy them, never cared to have them. There has always been something about Apple's stuff that I just didn't like. The same feeling I had about AOL. Just this gut feeling about how they do business.
If this kind of stuff bothers you, then quit supporting it... QUIT buying the products! Apple is going to deny knowing anything about it, but you should know who you are doing business with... ignorance is no excuse. Besides... everybody knows that businesses take their business overseas because it's cheaper... and we ALL know why it's cheaper... it's because the workers are being abused and taken advantage of.
Investigations Reveal Long Trail of Abuses at Apple Suppliers
This is hardly the first time reports of abuse have emerged from the closely guarded secret of Apple’s supply line. But in recent weeks, investigations, including a shocking series from The New York Times, have brought the slow-simmering waters of public opinion to a boil as they reveal the lives of the Chinese workers who labor at low cost and high risk to produce the ever-sleeker, ever-slimmer devices for which the world clamors.
Jobs’s conversation killer of a response? “Those jobs aren’t coming back.”
Matthew DeLuca is a reporter and researcher for Newsweek/The Daily Beast. He has written for New York’s Daily News and The Boston Globe, among other publications. He was the editor of Boston College's independent student newspaper, The Heights.
For inquiries, please contact The Daily Beast at
Friday, February 10, 2012
Chemo: Cycle 3... or 1-2?
I'm not sure if this counts as Chemo Cycle 3 or Cycle 1-2.
On the way home from chemo mom’s truck broke down. The radiator blew. It was about 35° out and I didn’t have a coat. We had to sit and wait for AAA to show up and for my sister to come pick us up. I was supposed to be having a special birthday dinner and the family was coming, but since the chemo took longer than expected and then the break-down, we wouldn’t have enough time to make the dinner without it running really late. So we opted to stop for Chinese take-out instead.
Posted by Michelle at 2/10/2012 02:27:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Health, Lymphoma/Cancer, Me Stuff, Pics